Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cupcakes' Crazy Cousins...


I don't often make muffins,
but today - I did.

The idea originated from me thinking about
Banana Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake this morning.
A few weeks ago, I had some
from Starbucks, and it was
So, I started looking for recipes...
but none that I found felt right!
I either didn't have adequate ingredients
(e.g., Buttermilk. Buy a quarter-gallon just to use a quarter-cup? No.)
or I didn't own the right size pans.
(Note to self: Purchase a bundt pan!)

I started thinking about what I did have,
and I remembered my under-used
mini cupcake/muffin pan!
I found a pretty basic, but well reviewed, recipe online.
Then, after one quick trip to the store
to buy bananas and mini chocolate chips
(kind of essential ingredients, I guess),
I was off and baking!

They came out delicious!
I sampled a few (or four) to make sure they were good.

I packaged 'em up
to take to my family tomorrow
for Mother's Day.

Here's hoping all the moms out there
have a very sweet day!


This past Wednesday night was
the last cheerleading practice of the season
for the team I coach.

To celebrate a successful year,
I brought in some cupcakes for the girls.
They came out pretty cute... I was thinking,
I should call them CheerCakes :)

The cakes were chocolate,
but I added some coffee right into the batter.
They're topped with whipped cream frosting.

2 - 4 -6 - 8 -
Cupcakes, cupcakes sure are great!

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